In Honor of Record Store Day

So, if you only know me through my blog, then this will come as a shock to you; I have interests outside of hair. Crazy, right?!? So, in honor of Record Store Day (better late than never, I say!) I am here to share with you 7 of the most important, influential albums to my life. You should be really excited.  

1. Janet Jackson, Rhythm Nation- In the fourth grade, we moved to Maine, and it was a rough year for me. Breaking into groups of friends that had known each other since birth was not super easy soooo...I found solace in the company of snicker's ice cream bars, TNG, and spent hours choreographing dances to the sweet sweet sounds of Janet, Ms Jackson if you're nasty.

2. The Pixies, Doolittle- Get in your car on a sunny day, roll down the windows, pop in Doolittle, and try to be sad. Just try it. I dare ya. Not. Possible. This album makes me feel so warm and fuzzy and then the Pixies went on tour and played the album start to finish and it was so g-d awesome.

3. Atmosphere, Lucy Ford EP-  A feel good, underground classic from Slug and Ant. I usually only listen to about every other track on the album, but the tracks that I love, I love SO MUCH.

4. Aesop Rock, Float- This cd went into my car and did not come out for about 3 months, and was responsible for getting me into the whole genre of underground rap, along side Eyedea and Abilities' First Born ...

5. Eyedea and Abilities, First Born- I discovered underground hip hop during high school, after meeting a group of new friends, who taught me countless, priceless life lessons that they will probably never even know about. First Born instantly transports me back to Evergreen cemetery, freestyle cyphers and Bull Ice 40s. Ah, youth.

6. Portishead, Dummy- As my friend Adam once said after watching footage of Beth Gibbons live, "I don't know if I want to f**k,  or write a suicide letter right now." The amount of emotion in Gibbons' vocals, over killer beats makes Portishead's music perfect for any setting, and if you don't agree, keep it to yo'self, I will defend Portishead TO THE DEATH. See them live, and DIE. Gibbons is clearly so uncomfortable with the idea of being a performer, and manages to be completely mesmerizing with her voice alone... I may have a lady crush.

7. LCD Soundsystem, Sound of Silver- In my twenties, LCD Soundsystem came in and showed me that I could dance to something other than rap. WHHHAAAAA?!?! This album is such fantastic dancey fun times!

8. Madonna, Madonna- Remember that thing about having a hard time making friends when I first moved to Maine? Well, when we had to do a oral biography report on a celebrity, and I chose Madonna, it, for some reason, didn't help. But I know, that when the rest of my class looks back on that day, they remember the girl with the portable record player and True Blue on vinyl, and they seriously regret not being my best friend. They were probably just BURNING UP with jealousy (get it?!?) and were too intimidated to be nice to me.

9. Alice in Chains, Jar of Flies- You may be picking up on the fact that I am pretty much super into music that makes you feel all the happy feels. However, sometimes you gotta be sad. Like, whisky and Alice in Chains sad.

10. The Doors, Morrison Hotel- Favourite album by one of my all time favourite bands. 'Nuff said.